D&L Designs
Radio Control Model Aircraft
CAP 231EX / 232 -- 22.5% Scale
This is a 22.5% (1/4.44, 66" wingspan) scale sport scale model of the Mudry CAP aircraft that can be built as the 231EX or 232 variant. Model is very aerobatic, easy to handle, and has precise handling properties. Model is suitable for Sport Scale, IMAC Scale Aerobatics, or Pattern competition. The wing area is 813 square inches.
Recommended engine size is .90 to 1.20 displacement. Design utilizes a midship fuel tank location, pull-pull cable rudder, and span wise variable airfoil design for excellent low speed handling characteristics. Construction is balsa, ply, and spruce and comes in at a weight of 9 to 10 pounds ready to fly. The plans come as three sheets, showing all details required to build the model. Also supplied with the plans are 38 black & white xeroxed photos of various construction details and building notes. Canopy, landing gear, and fiber glass wheel pants are available.
Model requires a four channel radio driving 5 servos.
Shipping to most U.S. locations included.
66" CAP 231EX / 232 Plans Only:
Kits for Real Kit Builders
66" CAP 231EX / 232 Wood Pack:
Addtional Parts Required